Spaghetti Oh's

There once was a boy named Tim. He had blonde hair and was 7'foot tall.
When Tim woke up he would always go down stairs and have some spaghetti-o's, but one morning he was walking downs stairs and all he could hear was a whisper from around the corner in the kitchen, when he turned his head to look inside the kitchen he saw nothing except for a bowl of spaghetti-o's. He approached the bowl and read the note from underneath "Hi Tim, went to the shop to get some toast! Love Mum" .
After reading the note he slowly began to eat the spaghetti-o's. But something wasn't right Tim thought to himself but he could not put a finger on what was 'missing' so he finished the spaghetti-o's and walked to the bathroom where he began to need to go wee. He unzipped his trousers and tried to begin weeing but he couldn't when he looked down his willy was missing. Then he suddenly realized his Mum died eight years ago. Then a thought burst-ed into his mind if his Mum didn't cook the spaghetti-o's who did. A shadow like figure began to rise over his shoulder.
When he turned around he saw the unspeakable, his father. "Can i used the toilet now?" said his dad. He replied to his dad with a jolly smile on his face "Nope". His dad walked out the room with nothing in hand. But the he realized he does not have a dad his dad died eight years ago in a car crash with his mum.
Who where these figures he had been seeing was it real or was it all a dream.Tim woke up hearing the sound of "Cell 5, here is your dinner" because the truth was he murdered his parent and he told himself they died in a car crash because he did not believe he was insane and everyday for his dinner he has spaghetti-o's.
-Mr Furbeh